Sunday, September 17, 2017


Hi my name is  Penelope but you can't call me Peppi  
  So you parents moved to this new town and I really don't know the name of the town nut hey we pack, then we moved. On the first day of school i wanted to make a good impression but falling in the middle of the hallways is not so good 🤦‍♀️, the warts part is this boy was helping me but people in the back ground kept saying " Nerder has a girl friend, Nerder has a girl friend ", also the other I didn't want to happen on my first day of school is to not get notice by the...MEAN KIDS. Also something else so bad happened was as I was getting up I pushed the boy who was helping me on the floor and as I turned around the look on him face it looked  as if I was being the bully. 
Weeks after that I still thought about apologizing to him but every time I see him there's always this awkward pause between us. So I tried everything to stop thinking about it like :staying focused on the art club and how we are not getting a table at the ✨ANNUAL SCHOOL CLUB FAIR✨, I bet your wondering why because ..... the art club has not been doing and what we have been slacking on.  The head captain of the art club Maribella Samson told us we need to something to win back the heart of the  of the principal so we can get a table with the art fair , but the competition Science club across the hall they dislike us more than we dislike them. Every week they try something to make us really mad like : throwing dart at the lockers by our class , or getting a table at the school club fair. Now that is so not fair. 

  The other most awkward thing that's been happening to me the past weeks I been in this town. One Ms. Tobins, you wouldn't believe that she is the supervisor of the science club and the science teacher. One day Ms. tobins assigned Homework and we had to find and scientific factor about the object.  Then she told me I failing her class so I had to be in tutoring to get my grade up. I went to art club to see what maribella wanted me to do as far as  winning a table at the school club fair . As I was in the class I didn't even realize the time I had to be in tutoring in the next 3min.  I hurried down the hall almost falling, getting  to the library  to see JAMIEE. Jaimee is the boy I pushed to the floor on the first day of school. Her kinda sad so I tried to start a conversation but like I said it always ended up being awkward 😐 . I gave him my homework and next thing you know we where having a conversation but overall  good to get over 😊

Monday, September 4, 2017


Main character perspective

    Hi my name is Callie I attend  Eucalyptus Middle School and I am working in my schools play
 called Moon over Mississippi as stage designer, but outside of school I have a lot to deal with like I have this friends name Jesse and Justin  whom are twins but to me I think Justin the cute one, his brother is cool do not get me wrong but Justin is perfect , also there is Greg his cute too but his ex girlfriend  Bonnie is a great big pain but back to Jesse and Justin.  One day me and Justin were outside eating lunch and he told me a big secret , the secret was that Justin likes boys at first I was hurt but then something reminded me Justin is my friend so I have no right to jugde him but to be there for him, Also did I tell you that both twins can sing? Justin wanted audition for the role of Bailey Johnston in the play and Bonnie is  going auditioning for the role of Maybelle later today, A little while later me and Jesse are seating the  audience seating watching the all the people. After about 20 minutes Mr. Madera told anyone who wanted to audition for Bailey Johnston can step up first was Percy. He is a good singer but not as good as Justin , after Percy was Justin he walked on stages and sung perfectly, after Justin was the tall blonde head West Redding . As me and Jesse wanted him perform Jesse was staring at West  longer than ever and yelled "he's perfect". After he said that he put his hands over his mouth and said " don't tell my brother I said that " I said why I explained that "I liked boys too but never told anyone not even my parents but if you can keep my secret that would be wonderful " . After auditions we seen Justin walk out and we both congratulated him on doing so well but Jesse still had that same upset face he did when we where in the auditorium But to celebrate Justin audition I told him we should go get some boba tea.

The next day Mr. Madera put out the audition list to see who got the role of what 
Bonnie got the role of Maybelle 
West Redding got the role of Bailey Johnston 
Justin go the role of  Colonel Scrimshaw 
Justin was disappointed because he likes being Colonel Scrimshawbut really wanted to be Bailey Johnston . A couple days later the stage crew and I wanted to go to the basement and see all the set clothes and props, but as we are about to go Bonnie walks on stage and starts yelling at west for not taking her home after today's rehearsal. West told Bonnie that we where going to the basement, she agreed to go I really didn't want her to go because she nags all the time but hey if it makes her leave early so be it. We make it down stairs and everyone is so surprised by the room we seen old time clothes and props so I can make the confetti cannon. As we were looking at the items we heard as shuffling between the clothes Jesse looked behind the clothes and caught west and Bonnie kissing behind the clothes Jesse said"if this place wasn't scary before it sure is now " I laugh because Jesse is a very funny person. Jesse walked out the basement after west and Bonnie and said " Bonnie we are meeting tomorrow during lunch so we can study so you can graduate in June"  Bonnie rolled her eyes and left out with west.

 The next day  Mr. Madera created the flyers for the play. I looked at them and wondered why didn't he put the cannon on the flyer , Loren the stage management told me that the flyer is better without the cannon it's best to show the characters of the play and we are already behind schedule for he play. I told him we should put it in to let people know that the cannon is in the play but hey like I said no one listen to me , and then it clicked started running down the hallway towards Justin thanking him for helping out with flyer. I walked over to the hallway bulletin board and put the flyer up and out 'of nowhere Justin had Googly eyes I mean eyes were big popping out of his head staring at The Mitsubishi he was in my math class but left to another class and Justin did tell me he did have a c  h  on Loren the stage helper(Loren is a boy),  after that Jesse came over to that Justin and seen if we put the flyers up and tell us he is about to go help Loren with the stage rigging

 A couple hours later me and Liz went to the stage crew HQ aka the storage room Liz told me how many costumes she had to make for the play, but besides that I had a secret I wanted to tell her how I felt about Jesse, she told me I should ask him  but I don't know how I would fell once I would ask him because he told me he never had a girlfriend , Liz told me maybe he's a late bloomer he  probably  need some time. I told her "what if he is you know" she said " what,gay? I bet money that Justin is the gay one between them?. I wanted to tell Liz that he is but I said I would keep his secrets " then that gave me an idea That should asked him to the Eighth Grade formal ,then again why would a seventh grader ask a 8th grader to his own dance. Later that night I text him if he wanted to go to the bookstore again but I gave my hopes up and he never responded to the text

The next morning I told Liz what happened,  she said "maybe his phone died and he really wanted to text you back , or if you look at your locker he is waiting for you" I looked up and walked over to him my face said hey but my mind said OMG IS HE WHAAAAAATTTTT.  He told about how he couldn't answer my text but he said instead of going to the bookstore we can go to a specialty book store, in my mind I said was the difference I'm still with you. He told me that they specialize in sports and theater books. I told that's cool trying my hardest to play it off but still being very excited at the same time, he said we should meet up in from the of the school at 2:55, later that day Justin and Jesse's Dad came to pick us up in his car. Justin was telling me all about when the were little they called the car the banana car. Out of nowhere Justin's dad skied him was I his girlfriend Justin got offended and said no dad then he asked Jesse , he was speechless I had to hurry and change the subject before it really got out of hand , by the time in changing  the subject we where already at the bookstore. Once we got to the  bookstoreI fell in love , I seen my favorite the Architecture section, I was so so happy. After one hour the only thing I bought was an bookmark to mark out all the books I'm going to read in the future. The next day everyone in stage crew got to work fast, I was painting the background ,Loren and everyone else were helping with the sound and music. After about about 3hour of building and constructing we finally finished and tomorrow is showtime.

Showtime day 1 (practice)

Everyone was rushing in faster than ever, backstage was very hectic Loren screaming ,actors impatient, after all of that finally everyone was getting in position they cued me to left the curtain and bring out the background and cannon and it was time for the cannon to blow didn't blow it  I told Mr. Madera it's the main part of he show it has to work he told me &"there is only 8 days till the opening night fix it Callie" , all of a sudden West gets sick and after so much tampering with the cannon it blew up in my face I told Mr. Madera I can fix it by opening night. After1hour the rehearsal was done I tried to tell Loren that the cannon was gonna be done but still he wouldn't listen. So that night I took it home I worked hard and carefully on the cannon , then I got a text from Liz telling me 
I should go to sleep but I can't I have to finished I promised Mr. Madera. The next day mom woke and told me to get ready for school.
Three day later the cannon was done and everyone was happy. Mr. Madera gave a long speech about the play and then...KA BOOM 💥 the cannon went off at perfect motion and and I yelled out let's move it to next number, everyone was so excited that the opening night was so close Justin was the must nerves is vocals were going In and out it was very funny

Opening everyone was. Going crazy until the curtain was ready to open the cannon started acting up again OMG, but it got better the play was a success and everyone did great, after the play was the eighth grade formal  I seen Jesse and I we danced, drunk some punch, Jesse had to leave but it took him along time to come back so I searched for him everywhere nowhere to be found at first I was worried, then I panicked and my makeup started to come off , the out of no where I found Jesse and started yelling in his face ,I started to have crying eyes we talked for a while until he Siam I shouldn't fall in love with every guy I meet that when I went off and ran into someone then I looked up it was Greg we walked and talked until we went to the park where he told me brokeup with Bonnie and we almost kissed but it didn't even feel right so I told him I was gonna walk home form the park 

The next day everything was back to normal I talked to Jesse and I had all my friend back  YAY!!!

The book I have been reading

The book I am reading is called chicken soup for the soul. In this book it has many different stories. Also the book contains chapters, so e...